What to Expect at Kalkowski Chiropractic Center
Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important that our relationship can go the distance.
We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises!
Your First Visit

Our friendly staff will warmly welcome you to Kalkowski Chiropractic Center.
A Warm Welcome to All
When you first enter Kalkowski Chiropractic Center you will be greeted by either Judy or Donna. Our goal is to make everyone feel an instant warmth and friendliness. On this visit, be prepared to discuss your health history and details of current complaint/condition, financial responsibility, and basic personal information. Please plan on about one full hour for this first visit.
Once you have been welcomed into our office, you will be given some paperwork to fill out and our office financial policies will be discussed. Once the paperwork concerning your health history and chief complaint is filled out, you will be taken into a treatment room. At this point Dr. Kalkowski will introduce himself and discuss the information from your paperwork. He will ask any additional questions that may be relevant to you and your case. Dr. Kalkowski will also ask you if you have any questions at this time.

Your comfort is our priority.
Comprehensive Neurologic and Orthopedic Exam
“I will proceed to perform a neurologic and orthopedic exam relevant to the chief complaint and anything warranted from the health history. Depending on the findings, I may recommend treatment in this office, imaging studies, consult or referral to another type of health care professional, etc.” states Dr. Kalkowski.
“If I recommend treatment in my office and the person agrees, I will perform a Chiropractic examination to determine where and how I can improve the structural function and correct any VSC’s. If all exam findings indicate that treatment in my office is appropriate, we will treat the patient right away. ”
After treatment, you and the doctor will discuss an appropriate treatment plan and you will be given an opportunity to ask any further questions. You will then be lead to the front desk and Judy or Donna will collect our fee, give you a HICFA form that is filled out and ready to send to your insurance company, and schedule you for a follow up appointment.
So, check us out here. Poke around. Get to know us. Then, contact us to make an appointment so we can get to know you.